Welcome to Hawks Class-Year 5


Miss Churchill, Mrs Jones and Miss Lutrell would like to welcome you to the Hawks class page. Feel free to take a look around.

The learning never stops at Livingstone, so you may be home, but there's still lots of fun activities to be completed! Check in each week to see the timetable!

Spring 1 is here!

This term, we will be learning about:

  •  Properties of materials in science
  •  Vikings
  • Expanding our knowledge of Spanish phrases
  • Developing knowledge about balanced arguements and non-chronological reports in English.
  •  Strengthening our Maths knowledge in multiplication and division
  • As you can see another packed term!


Children in Year 5 are increasingly encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning; to do their homework, to pack their school bag, to remember their PE kits. As a result, they will develop and grow in confidence and resilience. It is about encouraging independence in preparation for bigger things to come.

Year 5 homework is due every Thursday. Students are expected to complete a page from  three workbooks, get into the green zone on Doodle and read at least three times (with their homework diaries signed to indicate this). In addition, they can do TTRS to improve their timestable speed but this is not compulsary.
Year 5 homework is due every Thursday. Students are expected to complete a page from three workbooks, get into the green zone on Doodle and read at least three times (with their homework diaries signed to indicate this). In addition, they can do TTRS to improve their timestable speed but this is not compulsary.
Spellings will be given out weekly in accordance to the National curriculum. Differentiated spellings will be given out accordingly

Spellings will be given out weekly in accordance to the National curriculum. Differentiated spellings will be given out accordingly


Hawks have PE on Wednesday and Thursdays. This term, we will be doing Dance and Fitness.

You need to arrive to school in your PE kit and wear clothing appropriate to the activity and weather.


Online class activities and class blog via Purple Mash :https://www.purplemash.com/login/. (Children have their individual logins in their Organisers)


Maths activities and support via Doodlemaths: https://doodlelearning.com/maths-app


Times tables practise via TTRockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/  (Children have their individual logins in their Organisers)


Online curriculum activities and latest news for children via espresso: https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/what-we-offer/discovery-education-espresso/   


Online maths tutorials and activities via White Rose Mathshttps://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/


Online reading, linked to AR: www.myON.co.uk

Online exercises to keep children active with Joe Wickes  youtube.com/thebodycoach1


Would you like to  keep up with your Accelerated Reader progress? Oxford Owls  have some free e-books which can be read online and may have a link to an AR quiz (check first)! Got to: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/oxford-owl-ebook-collectionAnother maths site to help you practise - https://www.mathschase.com/




Further support:


Further support for English, Maths and Science can be found on BBC Bitesize select the following: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn


In Spanish, children can continue their learning using Espresso Discovery (see link and password above).   Please go to KS2 - Languages.  There are three Spanish units they can enjoy.



Welcome to Hawks Class-Year 5


Miss Churchill, Mrs Jones and Miss Lutrell would like to welcome you to the Hawks class page. Feel free to take a look around.

The learning never stops at Livingstone, so you may be home, but there's still lots of fun activities to be completed! Check in each week to see the timetable!

Spring 1 is here!

This term, we will be learning about:

  •  Properties of materials in science
  •  Vikings
  • Expanding our knowledge of Spanish phrases
  • Developing knowledge about balanced arguements and non-chronological reports in English.
  •  Strengthening our Maths knowledge in multiplication and division
  • As you can see another packed term!


Children in Year 5 are increasingly encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning; to do their homework, to pack their school bag, to remember their PE kits. As a result, they will develop and grow in confidence and resilience. It is about encouraging independence in preparation for bigger things to come.

Year 5 homework is due every Thursday. Students are expected to complete a page from  three workbooks, get into the green zone on Doodle and read at least three times (with their homework diaries signed to indicate this). In addition, they can do TTRS to improve their timestable speed but this is not compulsary.
Year 5 homework is due every Thursday. Students are expected to complete a page from three workbooks, get into the green zone on Doodle and read at least three times (with their homework diaries signed to indicate this). In addition, they can do TTRS to improve their timestable speed but this is not compulsary.
Spellings will be given out weekly in accordance to the National curriculum. Differentiated spellings will be given out accordingly

Spellings will be given out weekly in accordance to the National curriculum. Differentiated spellings will be given out accordingly


Hawks have PE on Wednesday and Thursdays. This term, we will be doing Dance and Fitness.

You need to arrive to school in your PE kit and wear clothing appropriate to the activity and weather.


Online class activities and class blog via Purple Mash :https://www.purplemash.com/login/. (Children have their individual logins in their Organisers)


Maths activities and support via Doodlemaths: https://doodlelearning.com/maths-app


Times tables practise via TTRockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/  (Children have their individual logins in their Organisers)


Online curriculum activities and latest news for children via espresso: https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/what-we-offer/discovery-education-espresso/   


Online maths tutorials and activities via White Rose Mathshttps://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/


Online reading, linked to AR: www.myON.co.uk

Online exercises to keep children active with Joe Wickes  youtube.com/thebodycoach1


Would you like to  keep up with your Accelerated Reader progress? Oxford Owls  have some free e-books which can be read online and may have a link to an AR quiz (check first)! Got to: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/oxford-owl-ebook-collectionAnother maths site to help you practise - https://www.mathschase.com/




Further support:


Further support for English, Maths and Science can be found on BBC Bitesize select the following: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn


In Spanish, children can continue their learning using Espresso Discovery (see link and password above).   Please go to KS2 - Languages.  There are three Spanish units they can enjoy.

