
Governors Name Type Subject
Rev Roger Stokes Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor

Maths, Science, Safeguarding, E-Safety;, Health & Safety

Business, Curriculum and Personnel, Pay Appeals committees


Mr Peter Thornes




Business, Curriculum and Personnel, Pay committees


Mrs Karen Goodwin


Staff Governor


Curriculum and Personnel committee


Ms Julia Jones       


Parent Governor


RE, Safeguarding, Looked after Children

Curriculum and Personnel committee


Mrs Laura Diedrick        


 Foundation Governor


Creative Arts, SEND 

Curriculum and Personnel committee


Mrs Toni Badnall



Parent Governor


Equalities, Website

Curriculum and Personnel committee

Business Committee


Mr Ian Nicholls


Vice Chair of Governors Community Governor


PE, Science, EYFS, MFL

Curriculum and Personnel, Pay Appeals committees


Ms Deirdre Murphy


Co-opted Governor


Business committee, PSHE/RSE; British Values


Mrs Natalie Bliss


Staff Governor


Website, Sports Premium

Curriculum and Personnel committee


Mrs Catherine Ungeprapakorn


Parent Governor


English, Pupil Premium

Curriculum and Personnel & Pay committees

Statutory Governors:

Community Cohesion & Extended Schools Governor: Ian Nicholls

Health & Safety Governor: Rev. Roger Stokes

Safeguarding Governor: Rev. Roger Stokes, Julia Jones

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Governor: Laura Diedrick

Training Link Governor:


Declarations_LivingstonePrimary.pdf .pdf
Livingstone Primary School Governing Body Register of Business Interests 2023-24.pdf .pdf
Governors Code of Conduct 2023-24.pdf .pdf
Governing Board Constitution
There are 11 positions, 10 are filled and there is 1 vacancy.
Co-opted Governors
4 posts, 4 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Karen Goodwin
Karen Goodwin 23/11/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2024
Deirdre Murphy
Deirdre Murphy 26/09/2022 26/09/2022 30/09/2026
Ian Nicholls
Ian Nicholls Not set 01/12/2020 30/11/2024
Roger Stokes
Roger Stokes 18/09/2023 01/10/2023 30/09/2027
Foundation Governors
2 posts, 2 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Laura Diedrick
Laura Diedrick 01/10/2013 01/09/2021 31/08/2025
Catherine Ungeprapakorn
Catherine Ungeprapakorn 01/02/2023 01/02/2023 31/01/2027
1 post, 1 post is filled
    First appointed      
Peter Thornes
Peter Thornes 16/04/2018    
Local Authority Governors
1 post, 0 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Parent Governors
2 posts, 2 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Toni Badnall
Toni Badnall 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 31/10/2025
JULIA Jones 10/07/2023 10/07/2023 31/07/2027
Staff Governors
1 post, 1 post is filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Natalie Bliss
Natalie Bliss 26/09/2017 30/11/2021 29/11/2025
Other members

These are the people that are listed as members on GovernorHub, but aren't allocated to the constitution.

Governing Board Meeting Attendance



Governors Name Type Subject
Rev Roger Stokes Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor

Maths, Science, Safeguarding, E-Safety;, Health & Safety

Business, Curriculum and Personnel, Pay Appeals committees


Mr Peter Thornes




Business, Curriculum and Personnel, Pay committees


Mrs Karen Goodwin


Staff Governor


Curriculum and Personnel committee


Ms Julia Jones       


Parent Governor


RE, Safeguarding, Looked after Children

Curriculum and Personnel committee


Mrs Laura Diedrick        


 Foundation Governor


Creative Arts, SEND 

Curriculum and Personnel committee


Mrs Toni Badnall



Parent Governor


Equalities, Website

Curriculum and Personnel committee

Business Committee


Mr Ian Nicholls


Vice Chair of Governors Community Governor


PE, Science, EYFS, MFL

Curriculum and Personnel, Pay Appeals committees


Ms Deirdre Murphy


Co-opted Governor


Business committee, PSHE/RSE; British Values


Mrs Natalie Bliss


Staff Governor


Website, Sports Premium

Curriculum and Personnel committee


Mrs Catherine Ungeprapakorn


Parent Governor


English, Pupil Premium

Curriculum and Personnel & Pay committees

Statutory Governors:

Community Cohesion & Extended Schools Governor: Ian Nicholls

Health & Safety Governor: Rev. Roger Stokes

Safeguarding Governor: Rev. Roger Stokes, Julia Jones

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Governor: Laura Diedrick

Training Link Governor:


Declarations_LivingstonePrimary.pdf .pdf
Livingstone Primary School Governing Body Register of Business Interests 2023-24.pdf .pdf
Governors Code of Conduct 2023-24.pdf .pdf
Governing Board Constitution
There are 11 positions, 10 are filled and there is 1 vacancy.
Co-opted Governors
4 posts, 4 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Karen Goodwin
Karen Goodwin 23/11/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2024
Deirdre Murphy
Deirdre Murphy 26/09/2022 26/09/2022 30/09/2026
Ian Nicholls
Ian Nicholls Not set 01/12/2020 30/11/2024
Roger Stokes
Roger Stokes 18/09/2023 01/10/2023 30/09/2027
Foundation Governors
2 posts, 2 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Laura Diedrick
Laura Diedrick 01/10/2013 01/09/2021 31/08/2025
Catherine Ungeprapakorn
Catherine Ungeprapakorn 01/02/2023 01/02/2023 31/01/2027
1 post, 1 post is filled
    First appointed      
Peter Thornes
Peter Thornes 16/04/2018    
Local Authority Governors
1 post, 0 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Parent Governors
2 posts, 2 posts are filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Toni Badnall
Toni Badnall 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 31/10/2025
JULIA Jones 10/07/2023 10/07/2023 31/07/2027
Staff Governors
1 post, 1 post is filled, 4-year term
    First appointed Term from to  
Natalie Bliss
Natalie Bliss 26/09/2017 30/11/2021 29/11/2025
Other members

These are the people that are listed as members on GovernorHub, but aren't allocated to the constitution.

Governing Board Meeting Attendance
