Welcome to Woodpecker Class

Year 3

We hope you had a lovely summer and enjoyed the holiday.

Miss Baldwin, Ms Stock, Mrs White and Mrs Emilian would like to welcome you to the Autumn Term in Woodpeckers class.

We are going to begin our learning journey by travelling back in time to the Stone Age. We will be learning about life during prehistoric times and moving through into the Bronze and Iron Age. We have lots of interesting and exciting activities planned. 



Children should have their coat, water bottle, reading record and reading book in school each day.



During this first half term, we will be establishing the children's knowledge of spellings from the prior years, ensuring these spellings are well understood, then moving on to the next level.

Spellings will then come home in a red folder every Monday (towards half term) Children should practise the spelling of their words each day using the Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check method. The folder is then returned to school on a Friday.

On Friday we will have a quick test to see how many words we can remember how to spell. 



This term we will be using texts that are linked to our main topic of the Stone Age. 

We will be focusing on key punctuation skills, speech marks, retelling a story and instruction writing.


Stone Age Boy Writing | Anson CE ...                   The First Drawing : Gerstein, Mordicai ...


Our topic this term is 'Stone Age to Iron Age'.

We will travel back in time to prehistoric times and explore how people might have lived during this period. Using a timeline, will help us to sequence and place events.. We will become history detectives and investigate the tyoe of settlements and homes people lived in and how they hunted, gathered and farmed..



In our art lessons we will be exploring prehistoric cave art and creating our own masterpieces using chalk, charcoal and pastel.




This term we will begin by exploring place value, then linking it to addition and subtraction column methods. Children will continue to revise their knowledge of numbers bonds to and within 10, 20 and 100.

We will also be using TT Rockstars to help us learn our times tables.

We will start by practising and recalling multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.



In our Science lessons we will be learning about the importance of good nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Children will find out about the different food groups and the importance of eating a balanced diet.

              What is a 'healthy plate'? – Your Back Yard CIC



In our technology lessons we will plan, design and make our own Stone Age roundhouses out of natural materials.



P.E. for Woodpeckers is on Monday and Wednesday.

It is important you wear your P.E. kit to school on P.E. days. This, like all school clothing, should be clearly named.





Children should read at home 3 times a week and the reading record signed and dated to show this has been done. Reading records are checked every Friday and certificates and prizes are given for the number of times read.



To help with the 'Times table Challenge', click on the link below to take your child to the Times Table Rockstars login. Children have logins for this and Purple Mash in the back of their reading records. Children should practise their times tables at least 3 times a week. Children earn bronze, silver and gold badges in school for successfully learning different times tables. Mr Jackson awards certificates in assembly each week for the length of time and progress made on Times Table Rockstars. This site also allows children to access Numbots which is a number bonds practise activity.

The Topmarks site has a wealth of maths activities the children can use (Hit the Button is a very good one!) and the children will be given their Doodle Logins by half term.






English and Maths homework will be sent on alternate weeks. Homework will relate to what the children have been learning in their lessons. Homework will be sent out on a Friday (blue folder) and should be returned on the following Friday.

Spelling homework will be sent weekly (on a Monday) and children should learn their spellings in preparation for a test each Friday. As the term progresses, children will be asked to include their spellings in sentences to show they understand the meaning of them.

Curriculum Overview



Welcome to Woodpecker Class

Year 3

We hope you had a lovely summer and enjoyed the holiday.

Miss Baldwin, Ms Stock, Mrs White and Mrs Emilian would like to welcome you to the Autumn Term in Woodpeckers class.

We are going to begin our learning journey by travelling back in time to the Stone Age. We will be learning about life during prehistoric times and moving through into the Bronze and Iron Age. We have lots of interesting and exciting activities planned. 



Children should have their coat, water bottle, reading record and reading book in school each day.



During this first half term, we will be establishing the children's knowledge of spellings from the prior years, ensuring these spellings are well understood, then moving on to the next level.

Spellings will then come home in a red folder every Monday (towards half term) Children should practise the spelling of their words each day using the Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check method. The folder is then returned to school on a Friday.

On Friday we will have a quick test to see how many words we can remember how to spell. 



This term we will be using texts that are linked to our main topic of the Stone Age. 

We will be focusing on key punctuation skills, speech marks, retelling a story and instruction writing.


Stone Age Boy Writing | Anson CE ...                   The First Drawing : Gerstein, Mordicai ...


Our topic this term is 'Stone Age to Iron Age'.

We will travel back in time to prehistoric times and explore how people might have lived during this period. Using a timeline, will help us to sequence and place events.. We will become history detectives and investigate the tyoe of settlements and homes people lived in and how they hunted, gathered and farmed..



In our art lessons we will be exploring prehistoric cave art and creating our own masterpieces using chalk, charcoal and pastel.




This term we will begin by exploring place value, then linking it to addition and subtraction column methods. Children will continue to revise their knowledge of numbers bonds to and within 10, 20 and 100.

We will also be using TT Rockstars to help us learn our times tables.

We will start by practising and recalling multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.



In our Science lessons we will be learning about the importance of good nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Children will find out about the different food groups and the importance of eating a balanced diet.

              What is a 'healthy plate'? – Your Back Yard CIC



In our technology lessons we will plan, design and make our own Stone Age roundhouses out of natural materials.



P.E. for Woodpeckers is on Monday and Wednesday.

It is important you wear your P.E. kit to school on P.E. days. This, like all school clothing, should be clearly named.





Children should read at home 3 times a week and the reading record signed and dated to show this has been done. Reading records are checked every Friday and certificates and prizes are given for the number of times read.



To help with the 'Times table Challenge', click on the link below to take your child to the Times Table Rockstars login. Children have logins for this and Purple Mash in the back of their reading records. Children should practise their times tables at least 3 times a week. Children earn bronze, silver and gold badges in school for successfully learning different times tables. Mr Jackson awards certificates in assembly each week for the length of time and progress made on Times Table Rockstars. This site also allows children to access Numbots which is a number bonds practise activity.

The Topmarks site has a wealth of maths activities the children can use (Hit the Button is a very good one!) and the children will be given their Doodle Logins by half term.






English and Maths homework will be sent on alternate weeks. Homework will relate to what the children have been learning in their lessons. Homework will be sent out on a Friday (blue folder) and should be returned on the following Friday.

Spelling homework will be sent weekly (on a Monday) and children should learn their spellings in preparation for a test each Friday. As the term progresses, children will be asked to include their spellings in sentences to show they understand the meaning of them.

Curriculum Overview



Welcome to Woodpecker Class

Year 3

We hope you had a lovely summer and enjoyed the holiday.

Miss Baldwin, Ms Stock, Mrs White and Mrs Emilian would like to welcome you to the Autumn Term in Woodpeckers class.

We are going to begin our learning journey by travelling back in time to the Stone Age. We will be learning about life during prehistoric times and moving through into the Bronze and Iron Age. We have lots of interesting and exciting activities planned. 



Children should have their coat, water bottle, reading record and reading book in school each day.



During this first half term, we will be establishing the children's knowledge of spellings from the prior years, ensuring these spellings are well understood, then moving on to the next level.

Spellings will then come home in a red folder every Monday (towards half term) Children should practise the spelling of their words each day using the Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check method. The folder is then returned to school on a Friday.

On Friday we will have a quick test to see how many words we can remember how to spell. 



This term we will be using texts that are linked to our main topic of the Stone Age. 

We will be focusing on key punctuation skills, speech marks, retelling a story and instruction writing.


Stone Age Boy Writing | Anson CE ...                   The First Drawing : Gerstein, Mordicai ...


Our topic this term is 'Stone Age to Iron Age'.

We will travel back in time to prehistoric times and explore how people might have lived during this period. Using a timeline, will help us to sequence and place events.. We will become history detectives and investigate the tyoe of settlements and homes people lived in and how they hunted, gathered and farmed..



In our art lessons we will be exploring prehistoric cave art and creating our own masterpieces using chalk, charcoal and pastel.




This term we will begin by exploring place value, then linking it to addition and subtraction column methods. Children will continue to revise their knowledge of numbers bonds to and within 10, 20 and 100.

We will also be using TT Rockstars to help us learn our times tables.

We will start by practising and recalling multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.



In our Science lessons we will be learning about the importance of good nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Children will find out about the different food groups and the importance of eating a balanced diet.

              What is a 'healthy plate'? – Your Back Yard CIC



In our technology lessons we will plan, design and make our own Stone Age roundhouses out of natural materials.



P.E. for Woodpeckers is on Monday and Wednesday.

It is important you wear your P.E. kit to school on P.E. days. This, like all school clothing, should be clearly named.





Children should read at home 3 times a week and the reading record signed and dated to show this has been done. Reading records are checked every Friday and certificates and prizes are given for the number of times read.



To help with the 'Times table Challenge', click on the link below to take your child to the Times Table Rockstars login. Children have logins for this and Purple Mash in the back of their reading records. Children should practise their times tables at least 3 times a week. Children earn bronze, silver and gold badges in school for successfully learning different times tables. Mr Jackson awards certificates in assembly each week for the length of time and progress made on Times Table Rockstars. This site also allows children to access Numbots which is a number bonds practise activity.

The Topmarks site has a wealth of maths activities the children can use (Hit the Button is a very good one!) and the children will be given their Doodle Logins by half term.






English and Maths homework will be sent on alternate weeks. Homework will relate to what the children have been learning in their lessons. Homework will be sent out on a Friday (blue folder) and should be returned on the following Friday.

Spelling homework will be sent weekly (on a Monday) and children should learn their spellings in preparation for a test each Friday. As the term progresses, children will be asked to include their spellings in sentences to show they understand the meaning of them.

Curriculum Overview
