A Note From Mr Thornes |
Hello all,
I'd like to offer you a warm welcome to our website.
We've recently updated the site and it's now easier to navigate and reflects the principles of Livingstone very well.
We are a community school at Livingstone and we love to inspire the pupils, we celebrate our differences whenever possible. Our pupils have active minds, tons of enthusiasm and there's always a lot happening here.
I'm really proud to be leading a fantastic team of staff and everyone is united in our effort to help every pupil improve and meet their potential. School life here is fun, stimulating, varied, rigorous but also above all enjoyable.
Have a look about, or come and see us in action!
Welcome to Livingstone...
Mr Thornes
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
The children came in dressed up for their future jobs. We had a selection of aspirations that included a footballer, teacher, and basketball player.
Year 2 took part in scoreball on Thursday 20th March. They were supported by year 5's to learn how to play the game and they worked excellently as part of a team.
This term Robins Class have been making 3D art using paper and card. We have practised making spirals, tubes, concertina and cones to create their 'tree of life'.
We have been really enjoying our Maths work so far this term. We have done lots of practical activities to help us develop our understanding of numbers to 10.
Our Year 4 students are having a fantastic time exploring different careers today!
They’ve been inspired by a variety of professionals.
A huge thank you to all the visitors who have shared their knowledge and passion.
This week Woodpeckers have been researching different rainforest animals. They used laptops to find their information, before organising and transferring it into a plan. In Maths, they showed that they could apply known multiplication and division facts to larger values, In Science, they learnt about how flowers are pollinated. This was reinforced with a game where the children took on the roles of bees and insects!
Puffins have had a busy week. We have been painting our feet orange for footprints, we have taken part in sensory curcuits. We have built towers and learnt about Spring.
A huge congratulations to our Year 4 Scoreball team for emerging as champions at the Multi-Sports Festival! 🏆
In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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A Note From Mr Thornes |
Hello all,
I'd like to offer you a warm welcome to our website.
We've recently updated the site and it's now easier to navigate and reflects the principles of Livingstone very well.
We are a community school at Livingstone and we love to inspire the pupils, we celebrate our differences whenever possible. Our pupils have active minds, tons of enthusiasm and there's always a lot happening here.
I'm really proud to be leading a fantastic team of staff and everyone is united in our effort to help every pupil improve and meet their potential. School life here is fun, stimulating, varied, rigorous but also above all enjoyable.
Have a look about, or come and see us in action!
Welcome to Livingstone...
Mr Thornes
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
The children came in dressed up for their future jobs. We had a selection of aspirations that included a footballer, teacher, and basketball player.
Year 2 took part in scoreball on Thursday 20th March. They were supported by year 5's to learn how to play the game and they worked excellently as part of a team.
This term Robins Class have been making 3D art using paper and card. We have practised making spirals, tubes, concertina and cones to create their 'tree of life'.
We have been really enjoying our Maths work so far this term. We have done lots of practical activities to help us develop our understanding of numbers to 10.
Our Year 4 students are having a fantastic time exploring different careers today!
They’ve been inspired by a variety of professionals.
A huge thank you to all the visitors who have shared their knowledge and passion.
This week Woodpeckers have been researching different rainforest animals. They used laptops to find their information, before organising and transferring it into a plan. In Maths, they showed that they could apply known multiplication and division facts to larger values, In Science, they learnt about how flowers are pollinated. This was reinforced with a game where the children took on the roles of bees and insects!
Puffins have had a busy week. We have been painting our feet orange for footprints, we have taken part in sensory curcuits. We have built towers and learnt about Spring.
A huge congratulations to our Year 4 Scoreball team for emerging as champions at the Multi-Sports Festival! 🏆
In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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A Note From Mr Thornes |
Hello all,
I'd like to offer you a warm welcome to our website.
We've recently updated the site and it's now easier to navigate and reflects the principles of Livingstone very well.
We are a community school at Livingstone and we love to inspire the pupils, we celebrate our differences whenever possible. Our pupils have active minds, tons of enthusiasm and there's always a lot happening here.
I'm really proud to be leading a fantastic team of staff and everyone is united in our effort to help every pupil improve and meet their potential. School life here is fun, stimulating, varied, rigorous but also above all enjoyable.
Have a look about, or come and see us in action!
Welcome to Livingstone...
Mr Thornes
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
The children came in dressed up for their future jobs. We had a selection of aspirations that included a footballer, teacher, and basketball player.
Year 2 took part in scoreball on Thursday 20th March. They were supported by year 5's to learn how to play the game and they worked excellently as part of a team.
This term Robins Class have been making 3D art using paper and card. We have practised making spirals, tubes, concertina and cones to create their 'tree of life'.
We have been really enjoying our Maths work so far this term. We have done lots of practical activities to help us develop our understanding of numbers to 10.
Our Year 4 students are having a fantastic time exploring different careers today!
They’ve been inspired by a variety of professionals.
A huge thank you to all the visitors who have shared their knowledge and passion.
This week Woodpeckers have been researching different rainforest animals. They used laptops to find their information, before organising and transferring it into a plan. In Maths, they showed that they could apply known multiplication and division facts to larger values, In Science, they learnt about how flowers are pollinated. This was reinforced with a game where the children took on the roles of bees and insects!
Puffins have had a busy week. We have been painting our feet orange for footprints, we have taken part in sensory curcuits. We have built towers and learnt about Spring.
A huge congratulations to our Year 4 Scoreball team for emerging as champions at the Multi-Sports Festival! 🏆
In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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A Note From Mr Thornes |
Hello all,
I'd like to offer you a warm welcome to our website.
We've recently updated the site and it's now easier to navigate and reflects the principles of Livingstone very well.
We are a community school at Livingstone and we love to inspire the pupils, we celebrate our differences whenever possible. Our pupils have active minds, tons of enthusiasm and there's always a lot happening here.
I'm really proud to be leading a fantastic team of staff and everyone is united in our effort to help every pupil improve and meet their potential. School life here is fun, stimulating, varied, rigorous but also above all enjoyable.
Have a look about, or come and see us in action!
Welcome to Livingstone...
Mr Thornes
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
The children came in dressed up for their future jobs. We had a selection of aspirations that included a footballer, teacher, and basketball player.
Year 2 took part in scoreball on Thursday 20th March. They were supported by year 5's to learn how to play the game and they worked excellently as part of a team.
This term Robins Class have been making 3D art using paper and card. We have practised making spirals, tubes, concertina and cones to create their 'tree of life'.
We have been really enjoying our Maths work so far this term. We have done lots of practical activities to help us develop our understanding of numbers to 10.
Our Year 4 students are having a fantastic time exploring different careers today!
They’ve been inspired by a variety of professionals.
A huge thank you to all the visitors who have shared their knowledge and passion.
This week Woodpeckers have been researching different rainforest animals. They used laptops to find their information, before organising and transferring it into a plan. In Maths, they showed that they could apply known multiplication and division facts to larger values, In Science, they learnt about how flowers are pollinated. This was reinforced with a game where the children took on the roles of bees and insects!
Puffins have had a busy week. We have been painting our feet orange for footprints, we have taken part in sensory curcuits. We have built towers and learnt about Spring.
A huge congratulations to our Year 4 Scoreball team for emerging as champions at the Multi-Sports Festival! 🏆
In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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A Note From Mr Thornes |
Hello all,
I'd like to offer you a warm welcome to our website.
We've recently updated the site and it's now easier to navigate and reflects the principles of Livingstone very well.
We are a community school at Livingstone and we love to inspire the pupils, we celebrate our differences whenever possible. Our pupils have active minds, tons of enthusiasm and there's always a lot happening here.
I'm really proud to be leading a fantastic team of staff and everyone is united in our effort to help every pupil improve and meet their potential. School life here is fun, stimulating, varied, rigorous but also above all enjoyable.
Have a look about, or come and see us in action!
Welcome to Livingstone...
Mr Thornes
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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Year 4 students had a fantastic time in their first lesson on animation.
The pupils had lots of fun bringing their ideas to life. 🎬✨
Year 1 had a lovely visit recently to St. Martin's Church. They were shown around inside and learnt about many different features of the church and about how people worship. Thank you to Mrs Greenard for organising the visit and the members of the church, who made us all feel so welcome and taught us so much whilst we were there.
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Wrens enjoyed making their 3D paper art so much that they carried on exploring and experimenting, including adding patterns and designs.
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Wrens have been exploring how to make 3D art by twisting, bending, curling and rolling paper. They experimented with different ideas and enjoyed using their imagination. Here are some of their finished works of art.
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In Design Technology Wrens have been learning about hand puppets. First they discussed and drew ideas for their puppets before cutting out felt and sewing the pieces together. They were then able to follow their design and decorate their hand puppets. They were really pleased with the end product.
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This term we have been learning to use addition and subtraction in numbers up to 20, as well as naming and sorting 2D & 3D shapes. We have done lots of practical activities to develop our understanding.
Last week was a busy one for Year six, as we also had an exciting and inspiring Careers Day, where pupils had the chance to hear from professionals in a range of fields. From property directors and music producers to zoo educators and videographers, each speaker shared insights into their jobs, the skills required, and the journeys they took to get there. The students were particularly fascinated by the hands-on demonstrations, such as a producing their own video interviews. They also enjoyed asking questions and learning about careers they had never considered before. By the end of the day, many felt motivated and excited about their future possibilities, with some even discovering new dream jobs!
Last week, Year 6 took an exciting tour of The Harry Potter Studios in London. Pupils enjoyed an immersive behind-the-scenes experience of the iconic film series, through authentic sets, props, and costumes used in the movies. Kingfishers' explored the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Forbidden Forest, marvelling at animatronic creatures and special effects. Interactive elements, like riding a broomstick in front of a green screen, made the experience even more magical. The tour provided a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process and was thoroughly enjoyed by us all!
The children came in dressed up for their future jobs. We had a selection of aspirations that included a footballer, teacher, and basketball player.
Year 2 took part in scoreball on Thursday 20th March. They were supported by year 5's to learn how to play the game and they worked excellently as part of a team.
This term Robins Class have been making 3D art using paper and card. We have practised making spirals, tubes, concertina and cones to create their 'tree of life'.
We have been really enjoying our Maths work so far this term. We have done lots of practical activities to help us develop our understanding of numbers to 10.
Our Year 4 students are having a fantastic time exploring different careers today!
They’ve been inspired by a variety of professionals.
A huge thank you to all the visitors who have shared their knowledge and passion.
This week Woodpeckers have been researching different rainforest animals. They used laptops to find their information, before organising and transferring it into a plan. In Maths, they showed that they could apply known multiplication and division facts to larger values, In Science, they learnt about how flowers are pollinated. This was reinforced with a game where the children took on the roles of bees and insects!
Puffins have had a busy week. We have been painting our feet orange for footprints, we have taken part in sensory curcuits. We have built towers and learnt about Spring.
A huge congratulations to our Year 4 Scoreball team for emerging as champions at the Multi-Sports Festival! 🏆
In Maths, we have been learning about sequencing a set of instructions. Parrots had great fun telling Miss Caherty how to make a sandwich and watching her make silly mistakes. They then got to enjoy eating a yummy jam sandwich.
We have had a great morning with Maths Cafe first thing; we learn some new games, played some familiar ones and welcomed lots of parents. We then took part in our first activity for Science Week with a fantastic live lesson on 'Reptiles Uncovered: adaptions, habitats and survival'. We will be finishing the day with PE and Spanish. A huge well done to all of Kestrels class for their hard work with our Mock SATS. Awesome effort and attitude shown by all!
Year Six enjoyed a live lesson from 'Kapow' to kick off Science Week. It was a fascinating looking at how different reptiles adapt to their habitats. We saw a variety of gheckos from different places around the world and got to study their features. If only they had been in our classroom for real!!
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Year Six's Geography unit on 'Where does our energy come from?' has really captured their interest. We have had some fantastic discussions on renewable energy, fossil fuels and climate change. We have looked in detail at the USA and the UK's energy use to understand changes in the type of energy consumed over recent decades. Our unit ended in an investigation into where the best place for solar panels would be in Livingstone Primary School's grounds. The children collected data by asking the school community's opinions before writing their proposal. And yes! We have found the perfect place to add solar panels to help Livingstone make a difference! Can you predict where it is?
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